HBase High Performance Cookbook
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Cloud watch provides and extensive way of monitoring the Hbase/Hadoop nodes in various ways as listed here:
Cluster status
Node status
Let's discuss Cluster status—it provides the following areas to look at:
Is Idle, Container allocated—container reserved, container pending, apps completed.
Apps failed, apps killed, apps pending, apps running, apps submitted. We will go over one area for explanation.
By double-clicking, a child window is popped up (overlay), which provides details as follows. You can explicitly get the detail by customizing the graph based on hours, days, or mins ago; the graph pulls the data accordingly.
Node status provides details of the following:
Core Nodes running /pending: As we have two nodes the graph is marked at 2
Live data nodes: The data node is fully live hence we see the 100
Map Reduce total nodes: The total MR node us 2
hence its showing 2
MR Active nodes: The total active MR nodes are 2
hence its showing 2...