OpenCV Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook Second Edition
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In order to build computer vision applications, you need to be able to access the image content and eventually modify or create images. This chapter will teach you how to manipulate the picture elements (also known as pixels). You will learn how to scan an image and process each of its pixels. You will also learn how to do this efficiently, since even images of modest dimensions can contain hundreds of thousands of pixels.
Fundamentally, an image is a matrix of numerical values. This is why, as we learned in Chapter 1, Playing with Images, OpenCV 2 manipulates them using the cv::Mat
data structure. Each element of the matrix represents one pixel. For a gray-level image (a black-and-white image), pixels are unsigned 8-bit values where 0
corresponds to black and 255
corresponds to white. In the case of color images, three primary color values are required in order to reproduce the different visible colors. This is a consequence of the fact that our human visual system is