Learning DevOps
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SonarQube is an open source tool from SonarSource (https://www.sonarsource.com/) that's written in Java. It allows us to perform static code analysis to verify the quality and security of an application's code.
SonarQube is designed for developer teams and provides them with a dashboard and reports that are customizable so that they can present the quality of the code in their applications.
It allows for the analysis of static code in a multitude of languages (over 25), such as PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), Java, .NET, JavaScript, Python, and so on. A complete list can be found at https://www.sonarqube.org/features/multi-languages/.
In addition, apart from code analysis with security issues, code smell, and code duplication, SonarQube also provides code coverage for unit tests. For more details about these issue concepts, read the documentation here: https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/user-guide/concepts/.
Finally, SonarQube integrates...