Learning DevOps
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In the previous chapter, we learned in detail about containers with Docker, about the construction of a Docker image, and about the instantiation of a new container on the local machine. Finally, we set up a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline that builds an image, deploys it in Docker Hub, and executes its container in Azure Container Instances (ACI).
All this works well and does not pose too many problems when working with a few containers. But in so-called microservice applications—that is, applications that are composed of several services (each of them is a container), we will need to manage and orchestrate these containers.
There are two major container orchestration tools on the market: Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.
For some time now, Kubernetes, also known as K8S, has proved to be a true leader in the field of container management and is therefore becoming a must for the containerization...