Learning DevOps
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When we host a project as open source, it is good practice to provide information to users about the changes that are being applied to it as they occur. This change logging system (also called release notes) is all the more important if, in addition to the source code, our repository also publicly provides a binary of the application since the use of this binary is dependent on its different versions and code changes.
Logically, we could find the history of code changes by navigating through the history of Git commits. However, this would be too tedious and time-consuming for Git novices. For these reasons, we will indicate the change in history with the code versions in a text file that can be read by everyone. This file has no fixed nomenclature or formalism, but for simplicity, we have decided to call it CHANGELOG.md
So, this changelog file is a text file in markdown format, which is easy to edit with simple formatting and is...