Mastering Linux Administration
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Chapter 1, Installing Linux, provides a practical guide to installing Linux on a personal computer or virtual machine. The chapter includes hands-on workshops for working with Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS Linux distributions.
Chapter 2, The Linux Filesystem, explores the Linux shell and filesystem, with the related commands for manipulating files and directories.
Chapter 3, Linux Software Management, introduces some of the most common Linux package managers, including DEB, RPM, APT, YUM, Snap, and Flatpak.
Chapter 4, Managing Users and Groups, looks at working with users and groups and managing the related system permissions.
Chapter 5, Working with Processes, Daemons, and Signals, takes a deep dive into Linux processes and daemons and the related inter-process communication mechanisms.
Chapter 6, Working with Disks and Filesystems, introduces some of the most common Linux filesystem types, such as Ext4, XFS, and btrfs. The chapter also covers disks, partitions, and logical volume management in Linux.
Chapter 7, Networking with Linux, is a concise primer on Linux networking internals, including the OSI and TCP/IP models, networking protocols, and services. The chapter also briefly touches upon network security.
Chapter 8, Configuring Linux Servers, explores some of the most common Linux networking servers and services, such as DNS, DHCP, NFS, Samba, FTP, and web servers.
Chapter 9, Securing Linux, looks at the Linux application security frameworks, including SELinux and AppArmor. The chapter also covers different firewalls and firewall managers, such as Netfilter, iptables, nftables, firewalld, and ufw.
Chapter 10, Disaster Recovery, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting, provides a high-level overview of Linux disaster recovery and troubleshooting practices, including backup-restore and troubleshooting common system issues.
Chapter 11, Working with Containers and Virtual Machines, explores virtual and containerized Linux environments, focusing on different hypervisors and Docker Engine.
Chapter 12, Cloud Computing Essentials, is a brief overview of cloud technologies, describing the SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS solutions and service providers.
Chapter 13, Deploying to the Cloud with AWS and Azure, looks at Linux deployments in the cloud, using AWS EC2 instances and Azure VMs.
Chapter 14, Deploying Applications with Kubernetes, provides a practical guide to using Kubernetes on-prem and in the cloud with EKS and AKS.
Chapter 15, Automating Workflows with Ansible, explores automated configuration management workloads using Ansible.