Mastering ServiceNow Scripting
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When using update sets, there are some best practices we can adhere to to ensure we avoid adding bad customizations to our production instance and use update sets to their full potential.
Firstly, it is always a good idea to check the updates contained in your update set before completing it. Sometimes a developer can inadvertently add an update they did not mean to to their update set. Therefore, it is always a good idea to check each individual update contained in your update set. In particular, pay special attention to any updates where the action is DELETE
, as this can be harder to undo.
We can see some example updates in an update set in Figure 11.6:
Figure 11.6: Update set containing sample updates
We can see the updates in this update set in the Customer Updates
tab of the related lists. We can see three updates in the update set example, including two client scripts and a business rule. We need to ensure that every customer update we see is a change we want...