Hands-On Microsoft Teams
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Live events on Microsoft Teams are an extension of meetings and should be used every time you have the need to broadcast to a large audience. Meetings on Microsoft Teams only support 1,000 attendees (once this number is exceeded, meetings support up to 20,000 users in listen-only mode), so if you are planning an online event that exceeds this number, you must use live events instead, which can support up to 10,000 attendees.
Live events are, by definition, a one-to-many form of communication since the presenters have the rights to speak and share content, and all the other attendees can only listen and interact with the presenters through a moderated Q&A format.
By reading the live events introduction, you can probably tell that it would be too complicated for a single person to manage everything that happens during the event—in which case, you are right: when looking at live events, you will find...