Django 4 for the Impatient
By :

For our project, we will be building a movie reviews app that will allow users to view and search for movies, as shown in Figure 1.1:
Figure 1.1 – A home page with search functionality
Users will also be able to log in and post reviews of any movies they may have watched, as shown in Figure 1.2:
Figure 1.2 – A movie page listing reviews
They will be able to type in and add their review, as shown in Figure 1.3:
Figure 1.3 – An interface for writing a review
Users can see the list of reviews on a movie's page and post, edit, or delete their own review if they are logged in. They will not be able to edit or delete other users' reviews though. Through building this app, we will learn a lot of concepts, such as forms, user authorization, permissions, foreign keys, and more.
Let's begin by installing Python and Django.