Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS
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If you are fairly new to building on the web, you almost have an advantage when it comes to learning CSS Grid: a “beginner’s mind,” if you like. For people that have been laying things out with other techniques over the years, the difficulty, in some ways, is undoing what you already know about layout with CSS.
Having read this chapter, you should have some understanding of what is possible with Grid Layout and how you might employ it.
Plus, with subgrid
more recently joining the existing capabilities of CSS Grid, we now have an incredibly powerful, complete, and expressive method of laying out elements on our page with CSS.
I should also ask that, if you were in any way successful with the exercises, you congratulate yourself; there’s a lot to consider when you first start using Grid. If you accomplished something with your first effort, you did admirably.
At this point, I’ll also reiterate that Grid is tricky at first. It...