Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS
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HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a language that allows content to be marked up in a manner that makes it more understandable to technology, and then, in turn, humans. You can have content on the web without CSS or without JavaScript. But you can’t have human-friendly content without HTML.
It’s a common misconception that HTML is the “easy” part of authoring web pages and applications. Writing the HTML is often dismissed out of hand as something anyone can do easily. My experience tells me otherwise. Also consider that for users who require the use of assistive technology to browse the web, the way you author HTML can mean the difference between a confusing unusable mess and a meaningful, useful, and delightful experience. Writing good quality HTML is not a specific need of responsive web design. It’s far more important than that. It’s a prerequisite of anything that you want to be accessible to all...