Django 4 By Example
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We are going to add a like button to the image detail page to let users click on it to like an image. When users click the like button, we will send an HTTP request to the web server using JavaScript. This will perform the like action without reloading the whole page. For this functionality, we will implement a view that allows users to like/unlike images.
The JavaScript Fetch API is the built-in way to make asynchronous HTTP requests to web servers from web browsers. By using the Fetch API, you can send and retrieve data from the web server without the need for a whole page refresh. The Fetch API was launched as a modern successor to the browser built-in XMLHttpRequest
(XHR) object, used to make HTTP requests without reloading the page. The set of web development techniques to send and retrieve data from a web server asynchronously without reloading the page is also known as AJAX, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX...