Django 4 By Example
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Consumers are the equivalent of Django views for asynchronous applications. As mentioned, they handle WebSockets in a very similar way to how traditional views handle HTTP requests. Consumers are ASGI applications that can handle messages, notifications, and other things. Unlike Django views, consumers are built for long-running communication. URLs are mapped to consumers through routing classes that allow you to combine and stack consumers.
Let’s implement a basic consumer that can accept WebSocket connections and echoes every message it receives from the WebSocket back to it. This initial functionality will allow the student to send messages to the consumer and receive back the messages it sends.
Create a new file inside the chat
application directory and name it consumers.py
. Add the following code to it:
import json
from channels.generic.websocket import WebsocketConsumer
class ChatConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):
def connect(self):