Python Microservices Development – 2nd edition
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In this chapter, we have looked at how to centralize authentication and authorization in a microservices-based application environment using OAuth2 and JWTs. Tokens give us the ability to limit what a caller can do with one of the microservices, and for how long they can do it.
When used with public and private keys, it also limits the damage an attacker can inflict if one component of the whole application is compromised. It also ensures that each connection is cryptographically validated.
A secure code base is the first step to a secure application. You should follow good coding practices and make sure your code does not do anything bad when interacting with incoming user data and resources. While a tool like Bandit will not guarantee the safety and security of your code, it will catch the most obvious potential security issues, so there should be no hesitation about continuously running it on your code base.
Lastly, a WAF is also a good way to prevent some fraud...