Python Microservices Development – 2nd edition
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Jeeves is an example application that was created for this book. Don't look for it in the Apple or Play Store, as it's not released or deployed for real users.
However, the application does work, and you can study its different components on GitHub in the PythonMicroservices organization: https://github.com/PythonMicroservices/.
We will be connecting to Slack, a popular communication platform, primarily used to send text messages in channels, similar to the older IRC service. Jeeves will be our personal assistant—a name taken from the stories of P. G. Wodehouse—and used for other software bots and at least one search engine. We will be using the name for its familiarity and not because of any connection with other people's work. The Jeeves presented here offers an interactive service to users of a Slack workspace and can be easily adapted to other chat environments. It also offers a web view to configure essential settings.