React Projects
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In this chapter, you used Create React App to create your starter project for a React application, which comes with an initial configuration for libraries such as Babel and Webpack. By doing this, you don't have to configure these libraries yourself and worry about how your React code will run in the browser. We've looked into building reusable components in this chapter and learned how to add dynamic routing with react-router
. With this library, you can create applications that have tons of routes, and you're able to use changes in the URL to change what is displayed inside your application.
The upcoming chapters will all feature projects that are created with Create React App or other zero-config libraries, meaning that these projects don't require you to make changes to Webpack or Babel.
In the next chapter, we will build upon this chapter by creating a dynamic project management board with React that uses styled-components for styling and reuses logic with custom Hooks.