React Projects
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Chapter 1, Creating a Single-Page Application in React, will explore the foundation of building React projects that can scale. Best practices of how to structure your files, packages to use, and tools will be discussed and practiced. You'll learn about React architecture while building a Single-page application. Also, webpack and Babel are used to compile code.
Chapter 2, Creating a Portfolio in React with Reusable Components and Routing, will explain how to set up and re-use styling in React components throughout your entire application. We will build a GitHub Card application to see how to use CSS in JavaScript and re-use components and styling in your application. Next to this, you'll learn about implementing navigation with React Router v6.
Chapter 3, Building a Dynamic Project Management Board, will cover how to reuse application state-logic from components by using Hooks. You'll learn how to build custom Hooks and interact with Web APIs to make draggable components. Styled Components are introduced to make it easier to style React components in a scalable way.
Chapter 4, Build a Server-Side-Rendered Community Feed Using Next.js, will discuss routing, ranging from setting up basic routes, dynamic route handling, and how to set up routes for server-side rendering. Therefore the React web framework Next.js will be used as you'll learn while building an application based on Stack Overflow.
Chapter 5, Build a Personal Shopping List Application Using Context and Hooks, will show you how to use the React context API with Hooks to handle the data flow throughout the application. We will create a personal shopping list to see how data can be accessed and changed from parent to child components and vice versa with Hooks and the context API.
Chapter 6, Build an Application Exploring TDD Using React Testing Library and Cypress, will focus on unit testing with assertions and snapshots. You'll learn how to manage test coverage, and implement visual integrations tests using the Cypress framework. We will build a hotel review application to see how to test components and data flows.
Chapter 7, Build a Full-Stack E-Commerce Application with Next.js and GraphQL, will use GraphQL to supply a backend to the application. This chapter will show you how to set up a Full Stack React application with Next.js including a basic GraphQL server. We will build an e-commerce application to see how to create a server, send requests to it, and handle authentication.
Chapter 8, Build an Animated Game Using React Native and Expo, will discuss animations and gestures, which are what truly distinguishes a mobile application from a web application. This chapter will explain how to implement them. Also, the differences in gestures between iOS and Android will be shown by building a card game application that has animations and that responds to gestures.
Chapter 9, Build a Full-Stack Social Media Application with React Native and Expo, will cover scaling and structuring React Native applications, which are slightly different from web applications created with React. This chapter will outline how to use native APIs of the mobile device, such as using the Camera, while building a Full Stack social media application to examine the best practices for React Native.
Chapter 10, Creating a Virtual Reality Application with React and Three.js, will discuss how to get started with React and Three.js by creating a panorama viewer that gives the user the ability to look around in the virtual world and create components inside it. The application you'll build will look like a game you can play in Virtual Reality (VR).