In this recipe, we're going to implement the Firebase Remote Config in an iOS context, and as an example, we're going to cover how we effectively use the Firebase Remote Config API's to create somehow an A/B testing for our Google OAuth button. This will allow us to activate it or disable it right from the Firebase Remote Config section within your Firebase project console.

Firebase Cookbook
By :

Firebase Cookbook
Overview of this book
Do you feel tired just thinking or even hearing about backend technologies, authentication or the tedious task of deployment? Firebase is here to change the way you develop and make your app a first-class citizen of the cloud.
This books takes a solution based approach by providing you recipes that would help you understand the features of Firebase and implement them in your existing web or mobile applications.
We start-off by creating our first Firebase application and integrating its services into different platforms and environments for mobile as well as web applications. Then we deep dive into Real-time Database and Firebase Storage that allows your users to access data across various devices with realtive ease. With each chapter you will gradually create the building blocks of your application from securing your data with Firebase Rules to authenticating your users with O-Auth.
Moving along we would explore modern application development techniques such as creating serverless applications with Firebase Cloud Functions or turning your traditional applications into progressive apps with Service workers.
Finally you will learn how to create cross-platform mobile apps, integrate Firebase in native platforms, and learn how to monetize your mobile applications using Admob for Android and iOS.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Firebase - Getting Started
Firebase Real-Time Database
File Management with Firebase Storage
Firebase Authentication
Securing Application Flow with Firebase Rules
Progressive Applications Powered by Firebase
Firebase Admin SDK
Extend Firebase with Cloud Functions
We’re Done, Let’s Deploy
Integrating Firebase with NativeScript
Integrating Firebase with Android/iOS Natively
Hack Application's Growth
Adding Analytics and Maximizing Earnings
Firebase Cloud FireStore
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