Building RESTful Web Services with PHP 7
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Now, it is time to actually start writing the endpoints that we discussed in Chapter 1, RESTful Web Services, Introduction and Motivation, and wrote in plain Vanilla PHP in Chapter 3, Creating Restful Endpoints. So let's do that.
As it has a Controller and Model layer, we will writing API from the Controller layer which will serve different endpoints. For the first controller, what we are going to write is PostController
Technically, this is not the first controller, as Lumen comes with 2 which you can find in the /<our blog project path>/app/Http/Controllers/
directory. But this is our first controller that we are going to write. In Laravel (the big brother of Lumen), we don't need to go and create a controller there are commands for that, but for Lumen those commands are not available. As these commands are not mandatory but very handy, it is better if we make those commands available.
To use the extra features that...