To create REST API or RESTful web service for a blog, we first need to have blog entities. As we will be storing blog entities in a database and fetching the data from a database, we first need to create a database schema for those entities.

Building RESTful Web Services with PHP 7
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Building RESTful Web Services with PHP 7
Overview of this book
REST is the most wide spread and effective standard to develop APIs for internet services. With the way PHP and its eco-system has modernized the way code is written by simplifying various operations, it is useful to develop RESTful APIs with PHP 7 and modern tools.
This book explains in detail how to create your own RESTful API in PHP 7 that can be consumed by other users in your organization.
Starting with a brief introduction to the fundamentals of REST architecture and the new features in PHP 7, you will learn to implement basic RESTful API endpoints using vanilla PHP. The book explains how to identify flaws in security and design and teach you how to tackle them. You will learn about composer, Lumen framework and how to make your RESTful API cleaner, secure and efficient. The book emphasizes on automated tests, teaches about different testing types and give a brief introduction to microservices which is the natural way forward.
After reading this book, you will have a clear understanding of the REST architecture and you can build a web service from scratch.
Table of Contents (10 chapters)
RESTful Web Services, Introduction and Motivation
PHP7, To Code It Better
Creating RESTful Endpoints
Reviewing Design Flaws and Security Threats
Load and Resolve with Composer, an Evolutionary
Illuminating RESTful Web Services with Lumen
Improving RESTful Web Services
API Testing – Guards on the Gates
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