Magento 2 Theme Design
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To go a little deeper on the concepts seen so far, we will develop a new module called Sweet Tweet integrating with social media. This module will make an integration with the Application Programming Interface (API) of Twitter and it will be used to display tweets with hashtags #magento2, #magentodev and #magentolive in the visualization layer of your Magento 2 instance. With this practice it will be possible to memorize even more the concept of componentization and managing dependencies via composer.json
In the previous development of the Promo module, you used the jCarousel library as a third-party library. In the development of the Sweet Tweet module you will use the TwitterOAuth authentication package that enables authentication on the API layer Twitter but with a crucial difference: You will use the composer.json
to manage this additional package in a more effective way.
The Twitter developers' area (https://dev.twitter...