Mastering Magento 2
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Magento has made the installation process a reasonably easy-to-follow affair. Since you've probably completed at least one installation before (and who hasn't tried Magento out-of-the-box?), you're familiar with the process.
However, you can make the installation more successful just by adhering to the following battle-tested advice.
If you have never installed Magento before, it is not all that difficult. For assistance, there are a number of great resources, including the Packt book, Magento 2: Beginner's Guide. The Magento website also has an installation wiki (http://devdocs.Magento.com/guides/v2.0/install-gde/bk-install-guide.html).
If your Magento installation is to go live in short order, you should always avoid installing the latest, greatest version of Magento (or any other platform, for that matter). As a best practice, we never use any version where the third version number ends in zero, such as version...