Meteor Cookbook
By :

Packaged accounts logins are great and all, but they don't always go with the design of the rest of our page, or they provide too much functionality when all we need is a little functionality. This recipe will show you how to customize Meteor's accounts packages using the Twitter OAuth service as an example.
We will essentially be using the Implementing OAuth accounts packages recipe found in this chapter as our baseline, but we aren't going to add the accounts-ui
package, and therefore will not be configuring the Twitter service through the UI, so we need to roll our own.
In a terminal window, create your root project by entering the following commands:
$ meteor create twitter-custom $ cd twitter-custom $ mkdir {client,server,both} $ mv twitter-custom.* client/ $ meteor add twbs:bootstrap $ meteor
Open a new terminal window (keep your app running) and add the accounts-twitter
and the service-configuration
$ meteor add service...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour