AWS Penetration Testing
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When pentesting, it's easy to get lost in the weeds and forget that there are people on the other side of the assessment that rely on you to discuss with them what is going on during the pentest. Too many times have I seen communication completely cutting out when a pentest begins, and there is no communication until the pentest stops. However, this shouldn't be the case – ever.
When pentesting, your client is typically a little curious as to what you are doing and it is actually beneficial to keep them in the loop with what is going on. Why is it important? For more ways than one. Let's look at a couple of ways of how we can keep our engagement free-flowing with communication that allows everyone to be part of it and helps avoid any talking roadblocks that may come up.
Sending an email every time you start and stop a pentest allows your client to know when you're starting and gives...