Spring Security
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If you prefer generating a native executable without relying on Docker, GraalVM Native Build Tools come in handy. These tools are provided as plugins by GraalVM for both Maven and Gradle, offering a range of GraalVM tasks, including the generation of a native image.
In the following sections, we will understand the process of building and running GraalVM images using Native Build Tools with either Maven or Gradle.
To generate a native image with the Native Build Tools, ensure that you have a GraalVM distribution installed on your system.
For our examples, we will use bellsoft-liberica-vm-openjdk17-23.0.3
that is available in the Liberica Native Image Kit Download Center (https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads/native-image-kit/#nik-23-(jdk-17)).
Just like with the buildpack support, it’s essential to ensure the usage of spring-boot-starter-parent...