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Learn Ethical Hacking from Scratch.

By : Zaid Sabih
5 (1)
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Learn Ethical Hacking from Scratch.

5 (1)
By: Zaid Sabih

Overview of this book

This book starts with the basics of ethical hacking, how to practice hacking safely and legally, and how to install and interact with Kali Linux and the Linux terminal. You will explore network hacking, where you will see how to test the security of wired and wireless networks. You’ll also learn how to crack the password for any Wi-Fi network (whether it uses WEP, WPA, or WPA2) and spy on the connected devices. Moving on, you will discover how to gain access to remote computer systems using client-side and server-side attacks. You will also get the hang of post-exploitation techniques, including remotely controlling and interacting with the systems that you compromised. Towards the end of the book, you will be able to pick up web application hacking techniques. You'll see how to discover, exploit, and prevent a number of website vulnerabilities, such as XSS and SQL injections. The attacks covered are practical techniques that work against real systems and are purely for educational purposes. At the end of each section, you will learn how to detect, prevent, and secure systems from these attacks.
Table of Contents (24 chapters)
Discovering Vulnerabilities Automatically Using OWASP ZAP

Social engineering – Twitter

So now we have the email address of our target person and their Twitter account. Let's start with Twitter and see what we can get from that. Open the Twitter account for the target person, copy the link, and we're going to come to our workspace, Maltego to add a Twitter entity. We're going to add a Twitter entity from the Social Network category. Maltego has an entity for Twitter, it's just not being shown so, let's see how to access these settings.

Go to Entities | Manage Entities, and we can see a list of entities that we can add:

Entity list

All of these entities are not added to the Entity Palette; the one we are interested in right now is Affiliation – Twitter, the membership of the Twitter social network.

Now, click on the three little dots that appear on the right, it will open a window, as seen in the...