As you'll know, the backdoor we created uses a reverse payload. For the reverse payload to work, we need to open a port in our computer so that the target machine can connect to it. When we created the backdoor, we set the port to 8080, so we need to open that port on our Kali machine. Remember, the name of our chosen payload is meterpreter/rev_https in this example.
We are now going to split our screens, as before, and listen for incoming connections using the Metasploit framework. To run Metasploit, use the msfconsole command, which should generate output similar to the following screenshot:

To listen for incoming connections, we need to use a module in Metasploit: exploit/multi/handler. To launch that module, use the following command:
use exploit/multi/handler
Once launched, navigate to the exploit/multi/handler module. The most important thing...