Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience
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In order to accomplish this, we will learn about the Transpiler, it's usage, and the various features it makes available for us to create and execute optimal circuits. By optimizing the execution of the circuit to match the circuit topology of the quantum device, we reduce the noise and its effect on our results.
In this section, we will learn about transforming a quantum circuit so that it is best matched to the quantum device. We will also learn how to optimize the circuit by using the layout optimizer. We will then learn about the backend configuration and its optimization, along with the pass manager and passes.
When you create a circuit and run it on a quantum device, there are many things occurring between the time you send the circuit to be executed on the quantum device and the time the results are returned. We looked at a few of those steps when we discussed OpenPulse in Chapter 8, Programming...