Quantum Computing in Practice with Qiskit® and IBM Quantum Experience®
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The IBM Quantum® backends are all slightly different, from the number of qubits to the individual behavior and interaction between these. Depending on how you write your quantum program, you might want to run the code on a machine with certain characteristics.
The backend information that is returned by IBMQ is just a plain Python list and you can juggle the returned data with any other list. For example, you can write a Python script that finds the available IBM Quantum® backends, then run a quantum program on each of the backends and compare the results in a diagram that shows a rough measure of the quality of the backends' qubits.
In this recipe, we will use a simple Python loop to run a succession of identical Bell-state quantum programs on the available IBM Quantum® backends to get a rough estimate of the performance of the backends.
The file required for this recipe can be downloaded from here: https://github.com...