Quantum Computing in Practice with Qiskit® and IBM Quantum Experience®
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So, what do you say? Are you done simulating quantum coin tosses now, and want to do the real thing, running your Qiskit® quantum program on an actual IBM quantum computer? Let's finally get some use out of that IBM Quantum Experience® API key that you created.
In this recipe, you will run the cheating coin toss or Bell state on an actual IBM Quantum® machine by using Qiskit®. We know what the expected result is on a perfectly simulated quantum computer and will now take a look at what the results of a real so-called NISQ machine look like.
Finally, we will be getting some use out of that API key, introducing the IBMQ components, how to find the backends, how to select the best backend, and how to run the circuit against that backend.
The sample code for this recipe can be found here: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Quantum-Computing-in-Practice-with-Qiskit-and-IBM-Quantum-Experience/blob/master/Chapter04...