Learn Python Programming
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We will use the package builder provided by the build project (https://pypi.org/project/build/) to build our distribution package. We will also need the twine (https://pypi.org/project/twine/) utility to upload our packages to PyPI. You can install these tools from the requirements/build.txt
file provided with the source code of this chapter. We recommend installing these in a new virtual environment.
Because project names on PyPI must be unique, you will not be able to upload the railway-cli
project without changing the name first. You should change the name
in the pyptoject.toml
file to something unique before building distribution packages. Bear in mind that this means that the filenames of your distribution packages will also be different from ours.
The build
project provides a simple script for building packages according to the PEP 517 specification. It will take care of all the details of building distribution...