Learn Python Programming
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Writing good code is not as easy as it seems. As we have already said, good code exhibits a long list of qualities that are difficult to combine. Writing good code is an art. Regardless of where on the path you will be happy to settle, there is something that you can embrace that will make your code instantly better: PEP 8.
A Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) is a document that describes a newly proposed Python feature. PEPs are also used to document processes around Python language development and to provide guidelines and information. You can find an index of all PEPs at https://www.python.org/dev/peps.
PEP 8 is perhaps the most famous of all PEPs. It lays out a simple but effective set of guidelines to define Python aesthetics so that we write beautiful, idiomatic Python code. If you take just one suggestion out of this chapter, please let it be this: use PEP 8. Embrace it. You will thank us later.
Coding today is no longer a check-in/check-out business. Rather, it is more of a social effort. Several developers collaborate on a piece of code through tools such as Git and Mercurial, and the result is code that is produced by many different hands.
Git and Mercurial are two of the most popular distributed revision control systems in use today. They are essential tools designed to help teams of developers collaborate on the same software.
These days, more than ever, we need to have a consistent way of writing code, so that readability is maximized. When all developers of a company abide by PEP 8, it is not uncommon for any of them landing on a piece of code to think they wrote it themselves (it actually happens to Fabrizio all the time, because he quickly forgets any code he writes).
This has a tremendous advantage: when you read code that you could have written yourself, you read it easily. Without conventions, every coder would structure the code the way they like most, or simply the way they were taught or are used to, and this would mean having to interpret every line according to someone else’s style. It would mean having to lose much more time just trying to understand it. Thanks to PEP 8, we can avoid this. We are such fans of it that, in our team, we will not sign off a code review if the code does not respect PEP 8. So, please take the time to study it; this is very important.
Python developers can leverage several different tools to automatically format their code, according to PEP 8 guidelines. Popular tools are black and ruff. There are also other tools, called linters, which check if the code is formatted correctly, and issue warnings to the developer with instructions on how to fix errors. Famous ones are flake8 and PyLint. We encourage you to use these tools, as they simplify the task of coding well-formatted software.
In the examples in this book, we will try to respect PEP 8 as much as we can. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of 79 characters (which is the maximum line length suggested by PEP 8), and we will have to cut down on blank lines and other things, but we promise you we will try to lay out the code so that it is as readable as possible.