Python Real-World Projects
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How do we improve our knowledge of Python? Perhaps a more important question is “How do we show others how well we can write software in Python?”
Both of these questions have the same answer. We build our skills and demonstrate those skills by completing projects. More specifically, we need to complete projects that meet some widely-accepted standards for professional development. To be seen as professionals, we need to step beyond apprentice-level exercises, and demonstrate our ability to work without the hand-holding of a master crafter.
I think of it as sailing a boat alone for the first time, without a more experienced skipper or teacher on board. I think of it as completing a pair of hand-knitted socks that can be worn until the socks have worn out so completely, they can no longer be repaired.
Completing a project entails meeting a number of objectives. One of the most important is posting it to a public repository like SourceForge (https://sourceforge.net) or GitHub (https://github.com) so it can be seen by potential employers, funding sources, or business partners.
We’ll distinguish between three audiences for a completed project:
A personal project, possibly suitable for a work group or a few peers.
A project suitable for use throughout an enterprise (e.g., a business, organization, or government agency)
A project that can be published on the Python Package Index, PyPI (https://pypi.org).
We’re drawing a fine line between creating a PyPI package and creating a package usable within an enterprise. For PyPI, the software package must be installable with the PIP tool; this often adds requirements for a great deal of testing to confirm the package will work in the widest variety of contexts. This can be an onerous burden.
For this book, we suggest following practices often used for “Enterprise” software. In an Enterprise context, it’s often acceptable to create packages that are not installed by PIP. Instead, users can install the package by cloning the repository. When people work for a common enterprise, cloning packages permits users to make pull requests with suggested changes or bug fixes. The number of distinct environments in which the software is used may be very small. This reduces the burden of comprehensive testing; the community of potential users for enterprise software is smaller than a package offered to the world via PyPI.