Python Real-World Projects
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In Chapter 15, Project 5.1: Modeling Base Application we created an application to create a summary document with some core statistics. In that application, we looked at univariate statistics to characterize the data distributions. These statistics included measurements of the location, spread, and shape of a distribution. Functions like mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation were emphasized as ways to understand location and spread. The characterization of shape via skewness and kurtosis was left as an extra exercise for you.
The base application from the previous chapter needs to be expanded to include the multivariate statistics and diagrams that are essential for clarifying the relationships among variables. There are a vast number of possible functions to describe the relationships among two variables. See https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/pmd/section8/pmd8.htm for some insight into the number of choices available.
We’ll limit ourselves...