Clean Android Architecture
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In this chapter, we have looked at how we can load and persist data in Android and the rules we must follow for threading. We first analyzed how we can load data asynchronously and focused on coroutines and flows, for which we have done simple exercises for performing asynchronous operations on different threads and updating the UI on the main thread. We then studied how to load data from the internet using OkHttp and Retrofit, and followed this up with how to persist data using Room and DataStore and how we can integrate all of these with coroutines and flows. We highlighted the usage of these libraries in exercises, and we also showed how they can be integrated with coroutines and flows. The integration of different flows of data was combined in the ViewModel
class, in which we loaded the network data and inserted it into the local database. This is generally not a good approach, and we will expand on how we can improve this in future chapters.
In the next chapter, we...