Clean Android Architecture
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In this section, we will look at how Android applications used to be built in the past and what difficulties developers had with the approach taken.
Before we start analyzing an older application, we must distinguish the architecture and design of an application. To borrow from the construction industry, we can define architecture as a plan for the structure of a building; a design would be a plan to create each part of the building. Translating this into the world of software engineering, we can say that the architecture of an application or a system would be defining a plan that would incorporate the business and technical requirements, while software design deals with integrating all the components, modules, and frameworks into this plan. In an ideal world, you would want to recognize the architecture of an application in the same way you would recognize the architecture of your house.
Now, let's look at the four main components of an Android application:
Using and relying on these components created a challenge for developers because an app's architecture became dependent on the Android framework, mainly when it came to implementing unit tests. To understand why this is a problem, let's look at an example of what some older application code would look like. Let's suppose you have been asked to fetch some data from a backend service. The data would be served in the form of JSON through an HTTP connection.
It wasn't uncommon to see a class such as BaseRequest.java
, which would execute the request and depend on abstraction in the form of JsonMapper.java
, to convert the data from a String
into a Plain Old Java Object (POJO). The following code represents an example of how fetching the data might be implemented:
public class BaseRequest<O> { private final JsonMapper<O> mapper; protected BaseRequest(JsonMapper<O> mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } public O execute() { try { URL url = new URL("schema://host.com/path"); HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); int code = urlConnection.getResponseCode(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection. getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } return mapper.convert(new JSONObject (sb.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { … } finally { if (urlConnection != null) { urlConnection.disconnect(); } } return null; } }
In the execute
method, we would use HttpURLConnection
to connect to the backend service and retrieve the data. Then, we would read it into a String
, which would then be converted into a JSONObject
and then passed to JsonMapper
to be converted into a POJO.
The JsonMapper.java
interface would look something like this:
interface JsonMapper<T> { T convert(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException; }
This interface represents the abstraction of converting a JSONObject
into any POJO.
The use of generics allows us to apply this logic to any POJO. In our case, the POJO should look something like ConcreteData.java
public class ConcreteData { private final String field1; private final String field2; public ConcreteData(String field1, String field2) { this.field1 = field1; this.field2 = field2; } public String getField1() { return field1; } public String getField2() { return field2; } }
The ConcreteData
class will be responsible for holding the data we will receive from the backend service. In this case, we just have two String
instance variables.
Now, we need to create a concrete JsonMapper.java
that will be responsible for converting a JSONObject
into ConcreteData
public class ConcreteMapper implements JsonMapper<ConcreteData> { @Override public ConcreteData convert(JSONObject jsonObject) { return new ConcreteData(jsonObject.optString ("field1"), jsonObject.optString("field2")); } }
The convert
method creates a new ConcreteData
object, extracts the data from the JSONObject
object, and populates the field1
and field2
Next, we must create a ConcreteRequest.java
that will extend BaseRequest
and use ConcreteMapper
public class ConcreteRequest extends BaseRequest<ConcreteData> { public ConcreteRequest() { super(new ConcreteMapper()); } }
This class will inherit the execute
method from BaseRequest
and supply a new ConcreteMapper
object so that we can convert the backend data into ConcreteData
Finally, we can use this in our Activity
to execute the request and update our user interface (UI) with the result. Here, we have a limitation: we cannot execute long-running operations on the main (UI) thread and we cannot update our views from any other thread except the UI thread. This means that we would need something to help with this. Luckily, Android provides the AsyncTask
class, which offers a set of methods for doing work on a separate thread and then processing the results on the main thread. However, we risk creating a context leak (if, for any reason, the Activity
object is destroyed, then the garbage collector will not be able to collect the Activity
object while AsyncTask
is running since Activity
has a dependency on AsyncTask
) by using an inner AsyncTask
class. To circumvent this, the recommended approach is to create a WeakReference
for our Activity
. This way, if the Activity
object is destroyed either by the user or the system, its reference can be collected by the garbage collector.
Now, let's look at the code for our MainActivity
public class MainActivity extends Activity { private TextView textView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); this.textView = findViewById(R.id.text_view); new LoadConcreteDataTask(this).execute(); } private void update(ConcreteData concreteData) { textView.setText(concreteData.getField1()); } }
This class is responsible for loading the UI and starting LoadConcreteDataTask
. The update
method will then be called by LoadConcreteDataTask
to show the data in the user interface.
must be an inner class of MainActivity
public class MainActivity extends Activity { … private static class LoadConcreteDataTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, ConcreteData> { private final WeakReference<MainActivity> mainActivityWeakReference; private LoadConcreteDataTask(MainActivity mainActivity) { this.mainActivityWeakReference = new WeakReference<>(mainActivity); } @Override protected ConcreteData doInBackground(Void... voids) { return new ConcreteRequest().execute(); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(ConcreteData concreteData) { super.onPostExecute(concreteData); MainActivity mainActivity = mainActivityWeakReference.get(); if (mainActivity != null) { mainActivity.update(concreteData); } } } }
In LoadConcreteDataTask
, we take advantage of the doInBackground
method, which is executed on a separate thread to load our data and then update our UI in the onPostExecute
method. We also hold a WeakReference
to MainActivity
so that it can be safely garbage collected when destroyed. This also means that we will need to check if the reference still exists before updating the user interface.
The class diagram for the preceding code looks as follows:
Figure 1.1 – A class diagram for an older Android app
Here, we can see how the dependencies move from MainActivity
toward the ConcreteRequest
class, with one exception between MainActivity
and LoadConcreteDataTask
, where both classes depend on each other. This is a problem because the classes are then coupled together and making a change to one implies making a change to the other. Later in this chapter, we will look at some principles that can help us avoid such dependencies.
Now that we have an idea of what a legacy application looks like, let's see what issues we may encounter if we follow this path.
In this section, we will analyze some of the problems that legacy applications have.
Let's ask ourselves the following questions:
from ConcreteData
, we need to show field1+field2
?Let's answer these questions:
and test
directories. Theoretically, we can write our unit tests so that they can run on the emulator, but that takes more time and instability. We can now execute these types of tests in the cloud using technologies such as Firebase Test Lab, but that would inevitably cost us money and it's in our interest to avoid taking in such costs. Realistically, we are left with one option and that is to test as much as possible using local unit tests instead of instrumented ones. To solve this, we will need to separate the Android components we use from the Java components. MainActivity
or add a method into the ConcreteData
class that will return the concatenated result. But either of these will come with downsides. If we move the concatenation into MainActivity
, we will put logic that can be unit tested into a class that is very hard and shouldn't be unit tested. If we create a method to concatenate in ConcreteData
, we risk giving responsibility to this class that it shouldn't have since it's related more to the UI than the actual representation of the JSON itself. What if, in the future, the networking aspect is developed by another team? You would need to rely on that particular team to create this update. AsyncTask
or execute both requests in the same LoadConcreteData
class and then update the UI. If we create a separate AsyncTask
, then we will need to make the activity responsible for managing the results and balance the two AsyncTasks
, which again creates a problem concerning testing. If we execute the requests in the same AsyncTask
, then the responsibility of AsyncTask
increases, which we may want to avoid.LoadConcreteDataTask
. Here, we run into the same issues that we did in the previous questions. If we used the request classes, we would end up being more responsible for dealing with HTTP connections than handling calls to the database. If we use LoadConcreteDataTask
, we make the answer to the fifth question even harder.LoadConcreteDataTask
class. Now, let's imagine that another activity with a completely different UI and a different interpretation of that data will rely on the same use case. One solution is to duplicate LoadConcreteDataTask
into the new activity. This is not a great idea because a change in the requirements will make the developers change all the tasks. A better approach would be to create a new abstraction that will remove the dependency between LoadConcreteDataTask
and Activity
. This would allow us to reuse the same class for both activities. Let's say that the activities would need different types of data for each interpretation. Here, we could follow the JsonMapper
example and create an interface that would convert ConcreteData
into a generic type, provide two implementations for each activity, and create the necessary POJOs to convert into. Another question that can be asked here is, "What amount of work would be necessary to export the business logic into another project?" This is an important question because it highlights how we should structure our code so that it can be reused by others without making it a pain for them to integrate. If we were to answer this, we must first ask, "Where's the business logic?" The answer would probably be LoadConcreteDataTask
. Can we export that and publish it somewhere where other developers can get it?
The answer is no, because of its dependency on MainActivity
. This question highlights an important aspect of defining an architecture, namely drawing the boundaries around your components. A component can be defined as the smallest piece of deliverable code. In our case, it would be the equivalent of a module. Now, let's say we were in a place where we could ship out our LoadConcreteDataTask
. A follow-up question would be, "Would the data be hosted on the same service?" followed by, "Is it in the same JSON format?" Here, we would need to draw a boundary between LoadConcreteDataTask
and BaseRequest
and remove such dependencies on how the data is retrieved.
The reason these questions were raised and answered is that all those scenarios have happened in the past and they will all likely happen in the life cycle of an application. We, as developers, tend to answer those questions in our code differently based either on time constraints, the rigor imposed on the team we work in, our ambition to deliver something fast by constantly challenging ourselves, and our experience or the team's experience. The fact that we had the option to make a less desirable solution or to be stuck in a situation where we had to pick between the frying pan or the fire represents a problem. Sometimes, it is good to take a step back from our daily routine, ask ourselves some of these questions, do mind experiments to see how our code may end up in those scenarios, and assess what would happen if that would happen now or 1 or 2 years from now.
A common scenario a lot of Android developers found themselves in was having a lack of businesses investing in testing because it would take too much time and there was a need to go to market. In many of these cases, the apps became harder to maintain over time, so more developers needed to be hired to keep the same productivity as a team compared to when they had fewer developers. When code is written with the notion that it needs to be unit tested, then the way we write that code becomes more rigorous and more maintainable. We start keeping track of how we create instances and separate the things we can test from the things we can't, we apply creational design patterns, and we also shorten the sizes of the methods in our classes, among other things.
We now have an idea of how applications used to be written in the past and the problems that were caused by the approaches that were taken, such as issues with the testability and maintainability of an application due to dependencies on the Android framework. Next, we will look at some design principles that will prove useful in how we write an application.
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