Mastering ABP Framework
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ASP.NET Core's configuration system provides a convenient way to read key-value-based configurations for applications. It is an extensible system and can read key-value pairs from various resources, such as JSON settings files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and Azure Key Vault.
ABP Framework versus ASP.NET Core's Configuration System
ABP Framework doesn't add a specific feature to ASP.NET Core's configuration system. However, it is essential to understand it to work with ASP.NET Core and ABP Framework properly. I will cover the basics in this book. Please see ASP.NET Core's documentation for a complete reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/configuration.
The easiest way to set a configuration value is to use the appsettings.json
file by default. Assume that we are building a service to send SMS using Azure, and we need the following configuration...