Mastering ABP Framework
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Importing script and style files for the Blazor Server UI is the same as the MVC/Razor Pages UI for ABP Framework. You can refer to Chapter 12, Working with MVC/Razor Pages, to learn how to use it. This section is based on Blazor WebAssembly.
Blazor WebAssembly is a Single-Page Application and it has a single entry point by default. The index.html
file is in the wwwroot
folder, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 13.6 – The index.html file in the wwwroot folder
is a plain HTML file. The server sends it to the browser without any processing. Remember that a simple static file server can serve a Blazor WebAssembly application. The browser first loads the index.html
document and then loads the styles and scripts imported by this document.
If you open the index.html
document, you will see a part within the ABP:Styles
comments, as shown in the following code block:
<!--ABP:Styles--> <...