Datadog Cloud Monitoring Quick Start Guide
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In the previous chapter, you learned about some of the important monitoring standards and how they are implemented in Datadog, with the objective of extending the features of the Datadog monitoring platform. So far, in this part of the book, we have been looking only at extending the monitoring capabilities of an organization focused on Datadog. The integration with Datadog can happen both ways – in addition to populating Datadog with monitoring related data for use with various Datadog features, the information available in Datadog could be utilized by other internal applications also.
To roll out such general-purpose integrations between applications, a rich set of APIs should be available. We have already seen that the Datadog REST API is a comprehensive programming interface that other applications can use to access the Datadog platform to publish and extract information. We have also looked at DogStatsD as one of the methods to publish...