Supercharge Your Applications with GraalVM
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GraalVM is a high-performance VM that provides the runtime for modern cloud-native applications. Cloud-native applications are built based on the service architecture. The microservice architecture changes the paradigm of building micro applications, which challenges the fundamental way we build and run applications. The microservices runtimes demand a different set of requirements.
Here are some of the key requirements of a cloud-native application built on the microservice architecture:
GraalVM provides a solution to all these requirements and provides a common platform to embed and run polyglot cloud-native applications. It is built on JVM and brings in further optimizations. Before understanding how GraalVM works, it's important to understand the internal workings of JVM.
Traditional JVM (before GraalVM) has evolved into the most mature runtime implementation. While it has some of the previously listed requirements, it is not built for cloud-native applications, and it comes with its baggage of monolith design principles. It is not an ideal runtime for cloud-native applications.
This chapter will walk you through in detail how JVM works and the key components of the JVM architecture.