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Modern Python Cookbook - Second Edition

By : Steven F. Lott
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Modern Python Cookbook - Second Edition

By: Steven F. Lott

Overview of this book

Python is the preferred choice of developers, engineers, data scientists, and hobbyists everywhere. It is a great language that can power your applications and provide great speed, safety, and scalability. It can be used for simple scripting or sophisticated web applications. By exposing Python as a series of simple recipes, this book gives you insight into specific language features in a particular context. Having a tangible context helps make the language or a given standard library feature easier to understand. This book comes with 133 recipes on the latest version of Python 3.8. The recipes will benefit everyone, from beginners just starting out with Python to experts. You'll not only learn Python programming concepts but also how to build complex applications. The recipes will touch upon all necessary Python concepts related to data structures, object oriented programming, functional programming, and statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively take advantage of it. By the end of this Python book, you will be equipped with knowledge of testing, web services, configuration, and application integration tips and tricks. You will be armed with the knowledge of how to create applications with flexible logging, powerful configuration, command-line options, automated unit tests, and good documentation.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
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Designing scripts for composition

Many large applications are amalgamations of multiple smaller applications. In enterprise terminology, they are often called application systems comprising individual command-line application programs.

Some large, complex applications include a number of commands. For example, the Git application has numerous individual commands, such as git pull, git commit, and git push. These can also be seen as separate applications that are part of the overall Git system of applications.

An application might start as a collection of separate Python script files. At some point during its evolution, it can become necessary to refactor the scripts to combine features and create new, composite scripts from older disjoint scripts. The other path is also possible: a large application might be decomposed and refactored into a new organization of smaller components.

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