Visual Studio 2019 Tricks and Techniques
By :

In this section, we will look at an example where we will use Visual Studio 2019 to test a couple of common snippets. To follow along, locate and open the starting solution named VSTT.Snippets.Cnsl.sln
found in the \Start
folder for Chapter 5
Moving forward
The sample project used in this chapter is kept rudimentary to make it easy to digest the concepts. This is priming you for Section 2, Customizing Project Templates and Beyond, which deals with larger project and item template concerns. Then, in Section 3, Leveraging Extensions for the Win, we kick it up a notch and incorporate custom code generation techniques. It is important to understand these fundamentals before graduating to those more complex topics.
It is recommended that you start with the Visual C# 2005 keyboard mapping scheme applied (Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard), just to ensure the shortcuts described work properly:
class file if you are...