Visual Studio 2019 Tricks and Techniques
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When it comes to application development, there is no silver bullet for success. Each team must work within their own given constraints of time, skills, and available resources. The concepts of metadata and code generation were introduced as a way to help mitigate the impact of expected requirement changes, particularly with new developments. We began by calling out some of Visual Studio's own use of code generators to add new projects or scaffold Model-View-Controller (MVC) views. Some of CodeGenHero's™ objectives—such as to encourage use of a S.O.L.I.D. architecture and to rapidly adapt code to schema change, and how this allows the developer to remain in control of the process throughout—were discussed.
In this chapter, we walked through the configuration of metadata and input parameters that drive CodeGenHero's™ code generation. In doing so, we saw how CodeGenHero™ uses templates to generate various types of code files...