Implementing Microsoft SharePoint 2019
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Generating a mapping of how site collections per department will be represented in a hierarchical architecture is a task you should carry out with the management and stakeholders. The hierarchical order can make a difference in how users navigate the structure of the sites but can also be confusing to them if not thought about thoroughly.
Creating an intranet of the content doesn't have to be a hard task. Use resources around you to help with the organization of the sites. Where I believe this process goes wrong is when teams who are responsible for this architecture do not take into consideration the landing page. The landing page in all site collections can be used to help users navigate the site collection and even sites within the web application. Users should be able to browse just like when they access content on an internet site, which gives them links to areas within the site collection that are available to everyone. This method gives you the ability to bring content that could be buried in the site to the forefront, but other users outside your site may need access too. Breaking inheritance in a site, list, or library is always looked down upon, but in these cases, this should be considered to secure information that not everyone should have access to. We would also use a separate site to support content that is "for everyone" as well. Presenting hyperlinks that expose the content should be part of this exercise, which is to organize the sites and content for ease of use.
Some sites I have seen have terrible designs and content structure. Content exposure is so important on landing pages; for example, the name of the site is important with a real description of the department's responsibilities in the company. This verbiage makes it clear to the user looking for information that they are in the right place to get the information they are looking for. Listing the name of the site collection administrator and their contact information is another piece of good information that should be a part of the site collection landing page. There should also be some information on some team members and links to the department forms where information is collected, for instance, an employee vacation request form. This could be useful for the users surfing your site where they shouldn't have to have lower-level access to fill out a form that could be used by everyone.
As always, security is another area of concern of most site owners, but it doesn't have to be. Using the landing page as a read-only page is commonplace and in SharePoint 2019, you can use a team or communication site as your landing page as well. If the user is not a team member, then give them access to what they need from the landing page and secure the content they need to have access to with permissions. Make sure to create groups for your department users so that those users do not get mixed in with users with read-only access. All employee groups would get read-only access and internal groups that work behind the scenes within the site could give these users deeper access as needed.
If we look at the external sharing of information in our farm, we could see how some of the components within SharePoint 2019 and the cloud affected as part of your implementation. There are some things we want to be aware of in opening our content for sharing outside the company. Overriding that governance rule will make your admins work a little harder. You also need to trust that your users are sharing information that is OK to share. The security of your content is most important when it comes to sharing. I have seen some bad practices that could cost a company their secrets because external sharing was enabled and other mobile solution apps were being used within the company without IT knowing. Be on top of external sharing and make sure to secure your content.
Site collections are a great way to capture a bulk of content at a time as these can be a one-to-one relationship with content databases. In this configuration, you now have a database that encapsulates all the content for one particular department. Management of a content database is what you would like to work with as a farm admin and not a content database with mixed site collections from different departments. This site hierarchy gives you complete isolation of the content from a security and recovery perspective. All backups are of that database and content can be restored individually without having to interfere with other departments' content if something were to happen to the database. Migration efforts are clean as well, with no mixed site migrations or work beforehand to separate sites into separate content databases.
Database naming conventions should be used, as well as site collection URL names. We should, as administrators, be using good naming conventions to make sure our content is organized and named so that we understand what that content is. This goes along with naming our site collections and providing content in the site collection that describes it. There is nothing like going to a client's office, reviewing their farm with them, and seeing errors where content databases cannot be contacted. In review, I sometimes find out they do not know what the database is supporting, what the content is being used for, or even what department it supports. This all happens because it is named improperly. Please don't be that client.
Site collection templates should also be used to add functionality to your farm's logical structure when needed. One of the big perks of using some of the site templates are data compliance, record center, and document center templates. These templates can enhance how your logical structure works together. These templates can be used to create automated processes that protect content and store content. These processes use key data fields to set policies that automate the protection of data. Make sure to use these features in templates so that you have a well-rounded process in place when needed.
As we start our physical planning for servers and roles within the farm, we need to understand what architecture will best support the user community and be the least complex to support. Some solutions may be needed to support our farm, but it's a best practice to really understand your requirements and not just add solutions because they will be used minimally. One example of that would be a distributed cache and web frontend MinRole. If I was providing services for 100,000 users, then I would most likely separate the cache cluster process over several servers, but if I was only supporting 5,000 users, I would most likely keep them together on one server for a small deployment and over two servers if I needed redundancy.
RAM comes into play as in the initial farm, we will only see 5% of our RAM on each server supporting the MinRole dedicated to this service. The more we play with the configuration of distributed cache, the more RAM you may have to reserve for this service. We talk about this more in Chapter 9, Managing Performance and Troubleshooting.
Physical design is not hard like it used to be. Before, we had to worry about services and what services were started on what server. Now, with MinRoles, that issue goes away if you use them. We can now be alerted for compliance based on the role of the server in the farm. If a service is not supposed to be started, we will see that the server will be out of compliance. MinRoles help with these types of scenarios by keeping the services needed to support the role of the server minimal. In the past, we were responsible for managing this ourselves, and I am sure Microsoft saw the writing on the wall from its long list of support tickets, which gave them the idea to put this MinRole in place. The MinRole was created to help administrators and was started in the MOSS version of the product, but was discontinued in SharePoint 2010. The MinRole helps administrators follow best practices and wisely use server resources to support how farm server resources are configured and to support the performance of those resources. Here are some examples of MinRoles:
Figure 2.6 – Examples of MinRoles
In creating a physical architecture, we have to know what we are building. If the farm is going to support 5,000 users, then we figure out how important the farm is to our company's application support. Is it a tier 1 application, or is it tier 3, where we don't need redundancy and quick response times? In most of the companies I have worked at, SharePoint was a tier 1 application because everyone used it. I have also seen where it wasn't tier 1, but if one of the applications within SharePoint went down, it was a fire drill. We have to understand how SharePoint needs to be supported and have the company recognize its importance in the enterprise.
Now that we know our architecture will be tier 1, we need to take into consideration redundancy and up-time for the farm. Server resources and topology will mean that we have two servers for each tier and any other services that need to be robust in performance. Looking at our scenarios in this chapter, we know that we are part of an acquisition. The acquisition is bringing Power BI and large files to the table, which means we need a separate BI server redundancy and RBS as part of our architecture. 10,000 users may be a number that may be reached sooner or later, so three web frontends will be great as part of our architecture. A search may be a service we want to duplicate as we do not want this to fail as well.
Looking at these areas of concern, we can create an architecture for the hosts and the farm shown in the following figure for SharePoint Server 2019:
Figure 2.7 – An architecture for the hosts and farm
As you can see, we have redundancy on the hosts and redundancy within the farm. We also have the server resources to run the farm at a minimal requirement for SharePoint servers at 16 GB for each server, and all SQL servers at 64 GB, which is more than enough for this configuration. The SQL server needs this extra boost as we are using Power BI and SQL reporting services within the farm configuration, which can lead to big queries that pull on SQL resources pretty hard. If you remember, there are a couple of new applications we are introducing as part of the acquired farm configuration and these will be used by our users in a few different departments.
Aligning a farm to the requirements of the assessment is key in building a topology for the physical architecture. Make sure to take into consideration all areas of configuration, user traffic, and other areas that can pull on resources. Do not undersize your farm and always test your farm using a load tester as in Visual Studio. This will give you a sense of how the resources are going to perform using the number of users expected to be part of the environment that will use SharePoint.
Dev and test environments will also need to be stood up as part of the architecture. Dev environments vary in size. Usually, we have one SharePoint server and one SQL server as part of this environment just to do some little development on. This would support out-of-the-box development for different departments using separate site collections. Scheduling of reboots and testing should be coordinated with the users that require this development farm.
When talking about larger environments where there are several developers, each developer should get their own server. The problem with SharePoint 2019 is that it is not like older versions where you can install SQL Server on the same box and/or use SQL Express, as it is not supported. So, each developer, in this case, needs to have a separate SQL server for each server farm, or use a large SQL server to support all developers, using separate namespaces. This can work, but having those developers independent makes more sense as each should have their own environment.
Team Foundation Server comes in to play as well, so any code that's developed can be pushed for deployment and tested in the test environment before it's pushed to production. Pre-test environments can also be stood up in some cases where you want to validate before putting the code on your test environment. Test environments should be a duplicate of the production environment and should have minimal use and test content. This environment should be clean and the only changes made should be good changes that were tested previously.
Time and money are always part of the equation, so with that, we need to do our due diligence when planning our IT architecture. We need to review our requirements and make the right decisions to bring the best solution to management for the best cost. Looking at our current state and our acquired farm, we have to combine each of the farms and solutions into one. This can be a complex process depending on your situation.
In this situation, we have some clear guidance, and we understand this from the information that was given in this chapter. We have pointed out the server resources currently in place, and some details on the farm configuration. Assessment data has been gathered and again, all bases have been covered when finding out the information on SharePoint Server 2019.
What role does the cloud play in your environment? Can we build this into our architecture to save on costs? Well, in this scenario, we don't have any requirement to add the cloud to our migration process or even a hybrid solution, but you may find yourself in this situation. If you do, study the cloud thoroughly; there are many subscription models, and within those models, there are solutions that you may need that may not be offered in others.
Call Microsoft for support if you get stumped and do not guess on this type of configuration. Licensing can be very complex and it may not make sense to you. Make sure to ask the experts when coming up with strategies to move to the cloud.
As you can see, building server architecture is not hard but you have to take into consideration all the requirements and research: how you can create a low-cost, extremely robust, and best-performing server farm for your company.
From my experience over the last 15 years, I have seen two design documents while I have been supporting SharePoint. Most environments I have worked and consulted in run in a reactive support method, which is an uncomfortable seat for those that manage the farm. This is a sign that companies are not making the effort and exerting due diligence to document the installation, configuration, and use cases of the SharePoint farms architected to support their company's collaboration efforts. It was often said in the past that installing SharePoint was easy, just throw the disk in and walk away. This was said early on when 2003 and 2007 SharePoint were just getting started, which was not true and showed in so many failed deployments of the product.
Little did these people know that their support for the product would take a considerable amount of time on the phone as they wondered why certain errors and functionality for users of the product were not working as they should in these environments. Early on in the evolution of SharePoint, there weren't a lot of documents or sites you could use to support yourself through a project like this. There was a very minimal amount of information available, even from Microsoft. This happened due to the product really not making much headway during the 2001, 2003, and WSS versions of the product.
When 2007 MOSS hit the market, it seemed like there was a wave of interest in the product, and Microsoft really got caught off guard at how this took off. Once they saw the need to address these issues, we started seeing more support for SharePoint and more websites and blogs. Some of the third-party blogs and sites could not be trusted in those days due to the newness of the product. Someone could have found a solution to an issue with BCS but then you find out it wasn't a best practice on the Microsoft website. There was a lot of pain and learning during those times, and you had to almost do some of the configurations blind and test them yourself to see whether the solution worked.
Now, with the vast information from Microsoft and blogs online, there is no excuse to not have documents in place to support your efforts for the SharePoint enterprise. Yes, it takes more time, but be thorough so that you can be successful and have references on why, what, and how you created this platform. I cannot express the importance of this and other documents that I am walking you through in this book enough. These are needed to support the product and user communities using the SharePoint farms for services and solutions. This also helps you to understand as an admin or architect what you have designed. As you configure and support the farm in the enterprise, this document, which is the foundation of the build, will be able to be referenced and updated in case you need to review a configuration or make changes as you grow.
So, in my efforts to help organizations do the job of supporting their environment with documentation, I have composed an outline of what I use to document the design of my SharePoint environments. This documentation is for the design of the SharePoint environment and is not intended to collect any SharePoint installation step-by-step instructions, but rather to cover the build of the environment that frames the moving parts and how they are working together to support the farm. The document should include an executive summary, solution design, and security.
This section of the document should be used to give an overview of what the document represents in support of the SharePoint project. Here, we would write a summary of the document within this area for executives who may not have the time to read through the entire document. This portion of the document includes the underlying topics listed:
This section of the document provides details of each portion of the solution. So, in our case, since we are designing a SharePoint enterprise solution, we will need to mention all the design requirements we reviewed to create this environment. You would want to mention what services will be used to support the environment from a SharePoint perspective.
We would also need to mention how the environment will be supported from a security, capacity, scalability, and availability perspective. You would also include contingency plans as bullets on how you would support the environment in a disaster crisis. Mention any security design considerations you took during your research as well. A summary of these items and then each of the following listed areas would be presented in a more complete explanation:
We should also document the sizes of all databases and configuration details and define all database size limitations within this section of the document using a table. If you're pre-creating databases, this is a good place to list those databases, and if you are not, this is a good reference for naming conventions as you install the product. As a documented process, we would also want to document our database maintenance plan here as well.
Don't forget to define drive sizes for our servers for the expected disk space needed to support search indexing. When defining the search indexing location, we must remember that indexes can be replicated to other servers depending on their role in the farm. This location is defined during the SharePoint Server installation process as a data location or will reside on the cloud if you use search in a hybrid configuration.
We also need to remember logging for each component we are using to support the environment. This includes SQL with Always On, SharePoint, and IIS. We also want to remember that logs grow substantially when migrating content from one farm to another. Make sure to account for these sizes when building your servers.
You should also define standards that should be followed in naming web applications, the application pools associated, and databases associated. We should also define our sites and what configuration details should be listed here in this document. This should also include all site collection best practices and areas of web applications that should be followed within some guidelines for site collection admins.
Remember, host-named site collections are discontinued in SharePoint Server 2019.
Most companies also have separate teams that support individual IT areas, so in that case, you will have an overlap of support for updating servers, SharePoint, and SQL Server. In this case, scheduling becomes a factor or you have your SharePoint admin update all areas of the server. In a lot of cases, SharePoint admins can have many servers, depending on how their environment is configured, and could have to do updates in a certain order based on the application.
Some third-party tools require servers as support for their platform. My recommendation is to give the SharePoint admin access to update all servers supporting the environment. If the environment is built for redundancy, then we should be equipped to provide users around-the-clock access to the environment. In this case, we can use what are called zero-downtime methods so that we can update the server without disruption. This would mean all levels of the stack would have redundancy: WFE, the application, and the database.
Consolidating developed code would be another defining area we would want to add here in this section. If you are using Visual Studio and Azure DevOps Server, then centralizing code is fairly easy to do even if there are multiple developers and servers. From there, we define how code is entered into the testing environment, where there should be only one or at most, a few testers reviewing the functionality of the coded solutions. Once it is tested, there will be a verdict that it either failed to meet the requirements or successfully met the requirements. At that point, we would then move the code to UAT.
We will speak more about this in Chapter 12, SharePoint Framework, to provide some lessons learned and best practices. After working as a developer, I saw many things that could lead to disaster, along with choices that need to be made as an admin function or a developer function. This decision could cost you if you are relying on code to build environments for new developers and rebuilding a production environment that was lost due to disaster.
Documenting any of these sections with supporting diagrams is also a great way to present solutions as part of this documentation.
This section of the document should be used to give an overview of what the document represents in support of the SharePoint project. Here, we would write a summary of the document within this area for executives who may not have the time to read through the entire document. This portion of the document includes the underlying topics listed here:
Always use AD groups for your SharePoint security when you can. If there are areas where they just don't work, then use SharePoint groups.
With antivirus, there are areas on the server that need to be documented as well, which should be excluded from the antivirus scanning those areas on the hard drive. Those areas are documented on Microsoft's website. These exclusions help to protect files from being compromised by the antivirus program and interrupting the SharePoint service.
You are not finished with creating your design document as this document is a living document created to capture changes in your design. Keep this document safe in a place where only you and your team can get to it. Have someone review it as well to make sure you hit all areas of your design to support the services you are planning to configure in your farm. The key to a successful implementation is getting things right the first time and always checking and rechecking against the Microsoft best practices and your assessment.
In this section, we need to look at recovery from the unknown glitches that can happen that bring down the server environment, where the service is unavailable or partially available. This could be the loss of the application services or even just the loss of data. In the case of SharePoint, there are network components that can also cause issues as well, such as load balancers, routers, and DNS, which can alter the availability of the service.
With that, we need to take into consideration the company's policies on the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). There are disaster recovery concepts that can be followed that support SharePoint 2019. These concepts have not changed since SharePoint 2013 was in play, which includes standby recovery options, service application redundancy, and third-party solutions specifically for SharePoint:
The first is cold standby, which is a data center that could be back online within hours.
The second is warm standby, which is a data center that could be back online within minutes or hours.
The third is hot standby, which would make the systems redundant, and if something were to happen, the users would not see much of a change in service. This would facilitate an almost-instant recovery, with some caveats of URL changes, DNS updates, and other networking configurations that could be automated or done manually.
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