Learn PowerShell Core 6.0
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Up until now, everything that we created was only available locally, and was subject to mechanical failure, accidental deletion, and other forces. We did not add any versions to scripts and functions, and had no history.
This is about to change, with a version control system. While we will be focusing on Git, similar principles will apply to other systems, such as Mercurial, subversion, or TFVC.
The space in this book is not enough to introduce Git in its entirety. One of the many great learning resources out there comes from Atlassian, who also provide a hosted Git service called Bitbucket: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/what-is-version-control Be sure to check this out if you want to learn about Git more in more detail.
A version control system allows you to keep track of changes that occur in your code, roll back changes, and collaborate. Moreover, it is an integral part of a release pipeline, which we will set up in Chapter 10, Creating Your Own PowerShell Repository...