Clojure Programming Cookbook
By :

In this recipe, we will learn David Nolen's om
to build a ClojureScript application. Om is a ClojureScript library to interact with React. React is a very famous JavaScript library developed by Facebook. React enables developments of user interfaces simpler and reusable UI components.
Recently, Nolen started to develop om.next
. It's a successor of om
and inspired by Facebook's Relay, Netflix's Falcor, and Cognitect's Datomic. It is still alpha but it is worth digging it. The project.clj
of om.next
is as follows:
Before learning om.next
, we will create and set up a new project named om-next-example
To create a new project for om.next
, issue the following command:
$ lein new figwheel om-next-example -- --om
Go to the om-next-example
directory and update the om
version in your project.clj
to enable om.next...