Clojure Programming Cookbook
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RabbitMQ is a multiprotocol message broker and one of the most popular brokers. RabbitMQ is written in Erlang; however, it provides client libraries for some major language such as Java, .NET, Ruby, and Erlang. In this recipe, we will show you producers and consumers using Langohr, which supports AMQP 0-9.1.
Here we will look at how to set up RabbitMQ server and Langohr in the project.
You need to install RabbitMQ, a multiprotocol messaging broker first. We will use a Docker image for RabbitMQ:
$ docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3
The following image shows the output of the preceding command:
Then, we will check to see the container for RabbitMQ is running as follows:
$ docker ps
We can see the output in the following image, if the container launches successfully:
After launching the RabbitMQ container, we need to know the ip
address of the container used by the client. To obtain...