Mastering Object-oriented Python
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As a REST web server is a web application, we can leverage any of the popular Python web application frameworks. Writing a RESTful server from scratch is a step that can be taken after demonstrating that a framework provides unacceptable problems. In many cases, a technical spike using a framework can help clarify any issues and allow a detailed comparison against a REST application written without a framework.
Some of the Python web frameworks include one or more REST components. In some cases, the RESTful features are almost entirely built-in. In other cases, an add-on project can help define RESTful web services with minimal programming.
Here's a list of Python web frameworks: https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebFrameworks. The point of these projects is to provide a reasonably complete environment to build web applications.
Here's a list of Python web component packages: https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebComponents. These are bits and pieces...