Bioinformatics with Python Cookbook
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Before we start performing some more structural biology, we will see how to access existing proteomic databases such as UniProt. We will query UniProt for our gene of interest: TP53 and take it from there.
To access data, we will use Biopython and the REST API (we used a similar approach in Chapter 3, Working with Genomes) with the requests library to access web APIs. The requests API is an easy-to-use wrapper for web requests that can be installed using standard Python mechanisms (for example, pip and conda).
You can find this content in the 06_Prot/Intro.ipynb
Take a look at the following steps:
First, let's define a function to perform REST queries on UniProt as follows:
import requests server = 'http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot' def do_request(server, ID='', **kwargs): params = '' req = requests.get('%s/%s%s' % (server, ID, params),params=kwargs) if not req.ok: req.raise_for_status() return...
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