Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook
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Encoding words is useful, but usually, we deal with more complex units, such as phrases and sentences. Phrases are important because they specify more detail than just words. For example, the phrase delicious fried rice is very different than just the word rice.
In this recipe, we will train a word2vec
model that uses phrases as well as words.
We will be using the Yelp restaurant review dataset in this recipe, which is available here: https://www.yelp.com/dataset (the file is about 4 GB.) Download the file and unzip it in the Chapter03
folder. I downloaded the dataset in September 2020, and the results in the recipe are from that download. Your results might differ, since the dataset is updated by Yelp periodically.
The dataset is multilingual, and we will be working with the English reviews. In order to filter them, we will need the langdetect
package. Install it using pip
pip install langdetect